The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do the different roles in my.vpntracker do?

You can assign different roles to Team members, which give them access to certain features.

Note: Roles are currently being rolled out – if you do not see the role dropdown option in your Team, please reach out and we can set your team up.

You can assign the following roles:

Manager Organizer Member Billing
Purchase and manage subscriptions Yes - - Coming soon
Invite and remove Team members Yes Yes - -
Change roles Yes - - -
Add, edit and remove TeamCloud connections Yes Yes - -
Receive TeamCloud connections Yes Yes Yes -
Download invoices Yes - - Yes
Why can't I see our TeamCloud connection?

If you're not able to access your team's VPN connection via TeamCloud, please check the following:

  • Make sure you have the latest version of VPN Tracker 365.
  • You'll need to be a member of your company's VPN Tracker Team – contact your IT person if you haven't been added.
  • If you have just been added to your Team, your Team manager will need to launch VPN Tracker or go to my.vpntracker.com to complete your TeamCloud setup.
  • If you see some, but not all of your Team's TeamCloud connections, you may need to upgrade your license to access them all.

If your question isn't answered above, please get in touch.

Where can I assign my team members a VPN Tracker plan?
As an admin in your company you can manage all VPN Tracker plans for your team members.

You can assign a plan to a new member and also revoke a plan if a colleague leaves your team.

To do so visit my.vpntracker.com and log in using your equinux ID and password.

In the "Team Management" section you can create a team, invite new team members and change VPN Tracker plans for each colleague.

Get step-by-step instructions for this in our Team Management Guide.
I'm a reseller. How can I transfer VPN Tracker 365 plans to my customers?
License management for Resellers is performed as follows:
  1. Go to my.vpntracker.com and log in with your reseller ID
  2. Navigate to the Reseller section in the left hand menu, here you will see all of your orders and the plans you purchased with each order.
  3. Next to the license(s) you want to Transfer to a customer select "Transfer all..."
    Please note, this button will only appear if the license is available for transfer.

  4. Enter the email address of the customer you are transferring the licenses to and press "Transfer".

Do my colleagues get admin privileges for my equinux ID when I assign them a VPN Tracker 365 plan?

With VPN Tracker 365 you can create a team under https://my.vpntracker.com and assign each team member a VPN Tracker 365 Plan.
This will not give each team member access to your equinux ID. The team members will only see their assigned plan in their own equinux ID after logging in to https://my.vpntracker.com. You will stay the only admin of your equinux ID.

Why use Remote Connection Wipe? Can’t I just lock a user out on my VPN gateway?

Remote Connection Wipe offers additional security by removing information about your VPN infrastructure. You may also want to use Remote Connection Wipe for compliance purposes or when working with external contractors.

Remote Connection Wipe also has the added benefit of working with any VPN connection, even those that don’t offer user authentication. This lets you to block VPN access for an individual user without having to distribute a new connection to your entire team.

My VPN connection data has been uploaded to my Personal Safe. How do I completely purge and delete that connection data from my Personal Safe?
Any data you upload to your Personal Safe is strongly encrypted. Nobody, not even us, will be able to access your data.

Connections and Shortcuts which have been stored in your Personal Safe may be deleted in two different ways:

1. In the VPN Tracker for Mac App

In order to delete connections or Shortcuts from your Personal Safe, please follow the following steps:
‣ Go to "VPN Tracker" > "Preferences"
‣ Select "Personal Safe"
‣ Uncheck the connections and/or shortcuts you would like to delete from the list
‣ Press update
‣ This will delete all connection info from our servers.

2. In a browser at my.vpntracker.com

In order to delete connections from your Personal Safe, please follow the following steps:

‣ Open my.vpntracker.com  and log in with your equinux ID and password
‣ Select "Personal Safe" in the sidebar
‣ Here you will see all connections and Shortcuts which are saved in your Personal Safe.
‣ When you press the delete button next to any connection, this will instantly be deleted from your Personal Safe

How can I create a master password for VPN Tracker 365 with Personal Safe that's different from my equinux account?
Currently, VPN Tracker does not support creating a custom password. We are planning on adding this feature in the future.

Please note that your equinux password is not directly used as your VPN Tracker password. Instead, VPN Tracker automatically creates a strong password using key derivation for your added security.

Please refer to the following pages for further information on VPN Tracker Personal Safe (formerly known as Connection Safe):

I reinstalled VPN Tracker into a new Mac, but it keeps asking me to buy the software again.
First, log in to VPN Tracker with your equinux account. If VPN Tracker still asks you to buy the software, then:

‣ Go to "VPN Tracker" > "Refresh My Account"

Then, try to activate your VPN Tracker again.
Where can I manage my VPN Tracker accounts?
What is a "Peer Hangup" error?
If you are trying to connect to VPN Tracker and you are getting a "Peer Hangup" error, here is what you need to know:

"Peer Hangup" or "Peer Hang Up" means that the other side you are connecting to closed the connection and stopped talking to your VPN Tracker in the middle of negotiation. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell the reason for such a behavior from your side of the connection. The reason can only be found in the log of the device you are trying to connect to by the VPN Protocol (like PPTP or L2TP). There are a number of reasons for this error. For instance, it could potentially be that it is unhappy with some configuration. For those using PPTP, it could be due to the GRE protocol it uses, which requires routers special handling. There could be a router between you (the VPN Tracker user) and the gateway that does not support GRE, causing the connection to time-out.

What is VPN Tracker World Connect?
VPN Tracker World Connect allows you to work anywhere in the world, while protecting your corporate data from hackers. With VPN Tracker World Connect, you can stay secure and protect all of your online activities even when you are on business trips. Whenever you are using the wifi at the airport, coffee shop, mall, and other public places, your data is open to anyone else on the wifi network. VPN Tracker World Connect will encrypt your data, which means that you are still protected while using public wifi. Also, VPN Tracker World Connect helps you keep your critical data safe, whether you are accessing documents in the cloud or checking your email. You have the option of choosing "Secure Connection," which will automatically find the closest server to you and secure your connection for you when you activate it.

You can even use VPN Tracker World Connect to encrypt your internet traffic through a VPN connection via different countries. Here is a list of countries you can connect to with VPN Tracker World Connect:

How do I assign a team member a license?
VPN Tracker Team Management features allow you to conveniently manage groups of users, assign licenses and share connections.

As a Team Manager or Organizer, you can assign available VPN Tracker licenses to your team members via your my.vpntracker portal.

How to assign licenses:
  • Log in to your my.vpntracker account and select your team in the sidebar
  • Scroll to Team Members. Here you will see a list of the colleagues you have invited to your team and their current license
  • Click Manage to be shown your available licenses and select a product from the list to assign it to a user
  • If you have no available licenses, you can purchase more from the Team Store by clicking Buy licenses

For more step-by-step information on setting up and managing your VPN Tracker Teams, check out this detailed guide.
What plan do I need for Remote Connection Wipe?

The Remote Connection Wipe functionality is available for all VPN Tracker 365 plans.
Please note that you will need a VPN Tracker 365 Pro plan to export a VPN connection.

In our white paper you will find all information to set up Remote Connection Wipe:


Can I undo Remote Connection Wipe?

No, you currently cannot undo remote connection wipe. However, you can reinstate a team member. Remember, you will need to redistribute your team’s VPN connections to the new user before they will be able to connect.

What would I need Remote Connection Wipe for?

The majority of VPN users use their Mac out and about on the go. If a MacBook ever gets lost or stolen, there’s a risk that remote access to your network could fall into the wrong hands. With VPN Tracker, you can prevent unauthorized VPN access by remotely revoking access to the connection.

How can I update my credit card details?

Visit my.vpntracker.com, log in to your account, and go to "Subscriptions" to update your payment method.

Go to your current subscription and click on "Edit" to change the payment method. Click "Choose another way to pay" to add a new credit card or alternatively, add a PayPal account. This will be used as your new default payment method for your plan.

How is VPN Tracker 365 different with a demo license versus a purchased license?
There are a couple of restrictions in the demo version of VPN Tracker 365. Please keep in mind the following:

  • A demo license is only valid for 30 days.
  • A demo license allows you to use all the Pro Edition features except the export feature.
  • A demo license restricts tunnel traffic up to 500 kb in either direction.
  • Once the 500 kb limit has been reached, a demo license allows you to stay connected for another 3 minutes.

How does Personal Safe deal with data conflicts?


When using Personal Safe, a data conflict may arise. E.g. if a connection is altered on machine A and also updated in the safe, and then the same connection is altered on machine B before it had a chance to update the connection from the safe, VPN Tracker has a problem: The connection now exists in two different versions, the version in the safe and the local one.


We decided that at all times, there can only be one “truth”, and as VPN Tracker is not able to tell who’s speaking the truth, it will show a conflict state and ask the user to please resolve it. Three options are available.
  1. Do nothing; the conflict will persist until resolved.
  2. The safe is right; the version from the safe is downloaded.
  3. VPN Tracker is right; the version of VPN Tracker is written to the safe.


The reasoning behind that is in fact very simple. You can change option A of a connection without breaking it and that change may also be meaningful. You can also change option A of a connection without breaking it and that change may be meaningful, too. However, changing both of these option may not be meaningful at all, these options may now even contradict with each other and that can easily break the connection. That’s why we decided to never merge individual changes into a single one.
What is a Hash Mismatch?
If you are trying to establish a VPN connection in VPN Tracker and you are getting a "Hash Mismatch" error, here is what you need to know:

Hash Mismatch usually means that the Pre-Shared Key (PSK) being used is wrong. When you get the "Hash Mismatch" error, the Hash algorithm is being rejected. However, this is not due to choosing an incorrect "Hashing" algorithm for Phase 1. If the Hashing algorithm chosen is actually wrong, then you would receive an error that would say "No Proposal Chosen" rather than a "Hash Mismatch" error. This would suggest that the client and gateway could not agree on common crypto settings. On the other hand, Hash Mismatch actually means that the hash your gateway calculated doesn't match the hash that VPN Tracker calculated (the two hashes are simply not matching). This hash is calculated out of values exchanged between the client and the gateway and the Pre-Shared Key. As all other values have just been exchanged and have been verified by both sides to be correct (so these cannot cause a different hash, not unless either side has a terrible bug). The only value that isn't exchanged and cannot be checked in advanced is the Pre-Shared Key (PSK).
VPN Tracker shows a status of connected, but I cannot reach any of my servers using WiFi from my phone (or USB from phone). Using a cellular signal off a MiFi device works but using hotspot does not.
Test to see if your network or provider is working properly. If it works fine, then this could be a NAT-T/IPSec Passthrough problem.

Please refer to this FAQ for further assistance on NAT-T/IPSec :

Additionally, please re-run the VPN Tracker Connection Checker and see if this solves the issue.

If this does not solve the issue, please send us a technical support report:

How do I add an app into my Applications folder?
‣ Download the app.
‣ Go to your downloads folder and find the app.
‣ Drag the app that you downloaded and drop it into the Applications folder.

Using VPN Tracker in teams
VPN Tracker is designed as a user license. One license can be used by only one person.

A company counts as a group of users. Each user of the VPN Tracker software needs their own personal VPN Tracker user account as well as their own user license. The information about the VPN Tracker account, may only be used by the owner of the account. A sharing of login and password (for example between members of an organization or others) is not permitted.

Managing multiple users in an organization via team management
Employees or users in an organization are managed using VPN Tracker Team Management. With this, an administrator can assign VPN Tracker user licenses to individual VPN Tracker user accounts and also withdraw them. Usage of the team management is mandatory for the use of VPN Tracker in organizations. It is designed to meet the security demands in organizations.

Team Management Guide →

Accounts with suspicious behavior
VPN systems are security systems which regulate confidential access on a personal level. The sharing of logins and passwords will inadvertently lead to an insecurity in the entire system, for example when an employee leaves the company. An ex-employee would still be able to gain full access to the VPN Tracker main account. Accounts which display suspicious behavior may be automatically blocked by our system. This is to safeguard the security of your account.
How can I update the address or email address of my equinux ID?
Your account details such as address and email can be edited in the account management using the following link:
Edit equinux ID
What are TeamCloud Groups?

TeamCloud Groups let you use TeamCloud features with just part of your team, e.g. to share a certain VPN connection with just your IT admins.

To create and edit Groups, you need

  • Team Manager or Organizer status
  • A VPN Tracker VIP or Consultant plan

To receive a connection from a TeamCloud Group, you need

  • To be a member of the team
  • A VPN Tracker Executive, VIP, or Consultant plan

How can I remove a payment method?
If you wish to remove a payment method from your account - e. g. because it has expired or is no longer valid - please get in touch with our support team.

Please be aware that all active subscriptions require a linked payment method. Without this, the subscription will end immediately.
How can I set up two-factor authentication for my VPN Tracker account?
You can add two-factor authentication to your equinux ID at id.equinux.com.

Visit our step-by-step guide to 2FA for more details.

To sign-in to your equinux ID with two-factor authentication, please make sure you're using the latest version of VPN Tracker for Mac or VPN Tracker for iPhone & iPad.
I'm having trouble signing in with two-factor authentication (2FA)
If you are having trouble accessing your equinux ID account with 2FA, please read on. For support with 2FA for your VPN connection itself, please reach out to your VPN admin who can assist you with resetting your 2FA setup.

Reset 2FA for your equinux ID

If you no longer have access to your 2FA device, you can reset 2FA using your recovery codes. Visit the 2FA guide for details.

I don’t have recovery codes

If you no longer have your recovery codes, 2FA can be reset by the equinux support team. Please note that for security reasons, manual 2FA reset will take up to 72h to process, to reduce the risk to accounts.

To proceed, please contact equinux support with your equinux ID and our team will let you know which additional data is required to reset your 2FA setup.
Which VPN Tracker edition do I need to buy now?

The current, streamlined VPN Tracker lineup offers a simpler set of options. If you previously purchased a different edition, here's the right edition to order going forward:

Old edition Current edition
VPN Tracker for Mac / VPN Tracker 365      → VPN Tracker Personal
VPN Tracker Pro for Mac    → VPN Tracker Pro for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker VIP for Mac    → VPN Tracker VIP for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker Team Member → VPN Tracker Personal
VPN Tracker Team Member Plus → VPN Tracker Executive for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker Consultant → VPN Tracker Consultant for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker + → VPN Tracker Executive for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker Pro+ → VPN Tracker Pro for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker VIP+ → VPN Tracker VIP for Mac & iOS
VPN Tracker Consultant+ → VPN Tracker Consultant for Mac & iOS

You can purchase upgrades for your existing licenses on your my.vpntracker upgrade page, or order new plans through the VPN Tracker Online Store