The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

Tech Specs
FAQ & Support

Connect to Wireguard® VPN
on Mac, iPhone & iPad

VPN Tracker creates a private and secure connection to a router, firewall or VPN server on your network.

NEW: Set up WireGuard VPN on your Mac, iPhone or iPad in VPN Tracker and get secure access to your network - wherever you are.

Create connection

How to connect to WireGuard VPN

Configure your connection

  1. Create a new WireGuard connection in VPN Tracker
  2. Upload your .conf file or scan your QR code to import your settings
  3. Give your connection a name and save using Secure Data Transfer

FAQs and Availability
What is WireGuard VPN?
WireGuard is a modern, open source VPN standard that has been massively growing in popularity over the last few years due to its easy setup and high performance.
VPN connections are made by securely exchanging public keys and can be set up in seconds. Connections can be imported on to your Mac, iPhone or iPad using a dedicated configuration file or QR code – making getting connected to your network a breeze.

Are WireGuard VPN connections supported in VPN Tracker?
WireGuard support is currently available for macOS users in the latest VPN Tracker for Mac version and for iOS users in VPN Tracker for iPhone & iPad. Download the latest version.

Which license do I need to connect to WireGuard VPN in VPN Tracker?
WireGuard support is available in all VPN Tracker editions! View all plan options.

Useful resources for WireGuard VPN

What can you do with WireGuard VPN? Explore all our resources on getting connected to WireGuard VPN below. Have a more specific query? Get in touch with our support team.

Device setup guides

Connect to WireGuard VPN on a specific device:
→ Custom WireGuard VPN
→ ASUS Routers

Tips & tricks

Discover all the latest from the VPN Tracker Blog:
→ Introducing WireGuard
→ Set Up a VPN Server at Home

Plan options

Need to connect to WireGuard VPN on Mac or iOS or looking to add support to your plan?
→ View all plan options

WireGuard®” is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.