The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

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VPN Tracker InfiniConnect


InfiniConnect is a new technology that automatically ensures your VPN connection is always up and ready to go.
On the move? Switching between WiFi access points? On a mobile connection? If your connection is dropped for any reason, InfiniConnect will automatically try to reconnect — for as long as it takes.

VPN Tracker 365 InfiniConnect automatically detects interruptions and reconnects your VPN, giving you peace of mind to focus on your work:

  • Automatically keeps your connection running at all times
  • Set it and forget it: your VPN is always ready to go
  • Customizable: Choose which connections to InfiniConnect

InfiniConnect makes sure you auto-reconnect when...

  • Jumping between WiFi hotspots
  • On a bad data connection

  • Opening & closing your Macbook
  • Switching network locations

  • Going from WiFi to ethernet
  • Connecting multiple VPNs

Pro Tip: Choose your InfiniConnect connections

You are a consultant and only want to automatically keep your own VPN running at all times and not your clients' connections? Go to the app settings and select the connections for which you want to activate InfiniConnect.

Video Tutorial: How to use VPN Tracker InfiniConnect

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Upgrade to VPN Tracker Pro, VIP or Consultant now

If you have a regular VPN Tracker 365 plan, you can upgrade to VPN Tracker 365 Pro, VIP or Consultant to take advantage of the new InfiniConnect feature.
You'll also get access to other exclusive features, including:
  • The Connection Checker feature: Automatically tests new network environments and figures out, which VPN standards are supported
  • Create and use multiple VPN connections on one Mac
  • More consultant features such as the Accounting feature and the Net Scanner
  • Advanced support
When you upgrade, the remaining plan duration will be pro-rated against your new plan.