The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

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Get it done — faster

With VPN Tracker 365 Network Scanner


Network Scanner lets you find devices on remote networks. Need to access a machine remotely? Or want to check if the right services are running on a server? Network Scanner gives you a complete overview of all devices available on a remote VPN network, including which operating system they're running, and available services for direct access.

Save time and get the job done faster.

Network Scanner Features

Scan for devices and services

VPN Tracker's Network Scanner can automatically scan for the most frequently used network services and can be customized to scan other services or ports. Find file shares, remote administration, screen sharing, databases, web and mail servers, etc.

Find and connect with remote VPN devices

With just one click of a button, the VPN Tracker Network Scanner connects you to your device or network service within your VPN. Need a host's IP address elsewhere? No problem, simply copy and paste it.

Detect operating systems

The Network Scanner automatically recognizes different kinds of devices and operating systems within your VPN and groups devices and services accordingly.

Quick overview of your VPN with your Mac

Display scan results by IP address, host name and operating system, or sort according to services. Filtering and website previews give you an instant overview of the remote network you're securely connected to by VPN.

Upgrade to VPN Tracker Pro, VIP or Consultant now

If you have a regular VPN Tracker 365 plan, you can cross-upgrade to VPN Tracker 365 Pro, VIP or Consultant to take advantage of all Network Scanner features.
You'll also get access to other exclusive features, including:
  • The Connection Checker feature: Automatically tests new network environments and figures out, which VPN standards are supported
  • Create and use multiple VPN connections on one Mac
  • More consultant features such as connection export and accounting features
  • Advanced support
When you upgrade, the remaining plan duration will be pro-rated against your new plan.