The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

The #1 VPN Client for Mac, iPhone & iPad

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Synology SA3400

The Synology SA Series are a range of powerful Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions for small-to-medium business users.
With the Synology "VPN Server" package, you can turn your Synology NAS device into a VPN server which you can connect to from a remote network location.

SeriesSynology J Series NAS
ModelDiskStation DS220j
Recommended forMedium business (20-50 users)
Supported VPN standardsOpenVPN, PPTP, IPsec
Device StatusActive

Configure VPN for a Synology SA3400

Follow these steps to set up a VPN connection on your Synology NAS device:
  1. Open the network interface for your Synology device and install the VPN Server package.
  2. Enable your Synology OpenVPN server and export the configuration file (check our detailed configuration guide for more information.)
  3. Configure the relevant port forwarding settings on your router and set up dynamic DNS (optional)
You are now ready to configure your connection on your Mac.

Connect to your Synology SA3400 VPN on Mac

VPN Tracker is the best macOS VPN client for Synology NAS devices. Follow these steps to start using your newly configured VPN connection on your Mac in VPN Tracker 365:
  1. Download VPN Tracker 365 free and install the app on your Mac.
  2. Set up a new Company Connection and choose Synology NAS from the list.
  3. Drag and drop your .ovpn file into the app to instantly import your settings.
  4. Under "VPN Gateway", enter the IP address or host name for your router/modem, then click done to save and test your connection.

 You can now use your Synology NAS VPN connection on your Mac. You can find more detailed device info for Synology devices here.

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